Presidential Volunteer Service award

If you are interested in The Music Boosters' Presidential Volunteer Service Award program, please contact Becky Karlmann at for details.
Hours are tallied by the calendar year (January 1 through December 31). Required hours vary by age. Turn in your hours reports by January 31 of the following year. Place your printed tally spreadsheet, along with name/contact information for activity supervisors and any supporting documentation, into the Community Service folder in the Music Booster black box in the band room. The Award will be given out at each ensemble's Awards Night Banquet, usually held in May. All music students interested in this award will need to be active members of Music Booster (Jazz Band, Marching Band, Orchestra, Choir, or general).
The Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) recognizes "the valuable contributions volunteers are making in our communities and encourage more people to serve...Recognizing and honoring volunteers sets a standard for service, encourages a sustained commitment to civic participation, and inspires others to make service a central part of their lives..." For specifics in eligibility, please visit: The requirements are:
One may also earn a Lifetime Achievement Award for completing 4,000+ volunteer hours.
Reminder: Students may not count community service hours for projects, events or jobs for which he/she is being paid, practices or rehearsals, or for school events for which a student receives a grade.
To participate in this program, membership in Music Boosters is mandatory. To join, contact your Music Booster President.
To track your hours, use the PVSA Individual Service Hours Record form. Down load it here.
Students aged 16 - 25, the service hours required to qualify for each tier are:
Bronze: 100 to 174 volunteer hours
Silver: 175 to 249 volunteer hours
Gold: 250+ volunteer hours
Students aged 11 - 15, the service hours required to qualify for each tier are:
Bronze: 50 to 74 volunteer hours
Silver: 75 to 99 volunteer hours
Gold: 100+ volunteer hours

Upon attaining one of the award levels above, a student is eligible to receive a lapel pin (like the one pictured here), a letter from the President of the United States, and a certificate which lists the number of hours they have completed. All service hours must be verifiable. The community service hours will need an event supervisor name and phone number for verification purposes.